Burn injuries are notoriously painful and they carry a high risk of infections. However, not all burns are equal — and some are much more severe than others.
Burns are classified on a scale containing four categories. Here are the four degrees of burn injuries.
First-degree burns
First-degree burns are the least serious type. These are burns that many people suffer regularly. For example, you may suffer a first-degree burn when using hair straighteners or cooking in the evening. While these burns aren’t life-threatening, that doesn’t mean they don’t hurt. Nonetheless, these types of burns will not scar and generally don’t require hospital treatment.
Second-degree burns
Second-degree burns affect the outer and inner layers of skin. These types of burns often result in swelling, blisters and redness in the affected area. Often, a doctor’s trip is necessary after suffering a second-degree burn to reduce the risk of infections. More often than not, these types of burns do not result in permanent scarring. However, if the burnt area is large, scarring is a possibility.
Third- and Fourth-degree burns
Third- and fourth-degree burns are very serious. These injuries destroy the outer and inner layers of the skin and can affect deep tissue, nerves, muscles and even bones. Permanent scarring is highly likely with these types of burns and skin graft surgery is common. Infection is also a severe risk and when serious burns like this cover large areas of the body, they can be fatal.
If you have suffered burns after an accident caused by negligence, you could be entitled to personal injury compensation. Seek legal guidance to find out more.