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Short on staff, short on care: The serious impact of nursing home understaffing

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2024 | Nursing Home Abuse

When we place a loved one in a nursing home, we rely on the staff of that facility to provide them with the care they need. Unfortunately, many nursing facilities across the country are facing significant staffing shortages, and residents pay the price. How can these shortages jeopardize the safety and well-being of residents?

How common is understaffing?

Nursing homes have struggled with not having enough staff for years, but the situation has worsened significantly in recent years. According to the Long Term Care Community Coalition, 79 percent of nursing home residents live in facilities with insufficient staff. Also, 54 percent are in homes that do not meet the federal requirements for registered nurse staffing.

How can understaffing impact nursing home residents?

The consequences of understaffing in nursing homes can be severe and multifaceted, affecting nearly every aspect of a resident’s life and well-being:

  • Increased health risks: With fewer staff members available, staff may not give residents all the care they need. Health checks on residents can happen less often and not be as thorough. This can lead to late detection and treatment of health problems. These issues can make residents’ health outcomes worse or even cause preventable deaths.
  • Neglect: Not having enough staff often results in neglect, such as poor hygiene, not enough food or unattended medical needs. Staff might be too busy to make sure each resident gets the care, medicine or help they need.
  • Abuse: Without sufficient staff, abuse by other residents or by staff may go unnoticed.
  • Mental health decline: Talking and interacting with others is important for the mental health of elderly residents. Homes without enough staff might not have the resources to offer enough social activities or personal interaction, which can make residents feel isolated and depressed.
  • Increased fall risk: It is important to have enough supervision and help to prevent falls, a common and dangerous risk for elderly people. In homes without enough staff, residents might not get the help they need to move around, or they might have to wait a long time for help, which can make falls more likely.

The understaffing of nursing homes is a serious issue that requires immediate attention from all stakeholders involved. If you have concerns about the care that your loved one receives, do not hesitate to speak up and seek the necessary changes. After all, every resident of a nursing home deserves to live in a safe, caring and responsive environment.

