One of the most vulnerable experiences an individual can go through is surgery. There are many reasons why someone may need surgery, such as the removal of the appendix, cancer diagnosis, cataract surgery, skin grafting and amputation. While people often expect...
Medical Malpractice
A doctor’s negative attitude about weight can endanger patients
People who have dealt with weight issues sometimes feel like their doctors have little understanding of their struggles. About 40% of doctors admit that they have negative feelings about their “higher-weight” patients. Female patients are more likely to report that...
3 signs you may have suffered medical negligence
Medical service providers are bound by oath to provide care that meets the standards expected within their profession. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen and when they occur because a care provider’s approach has fallen below these accepted standards, the situation in...
When anesthesia goes wrong: Common errors
Anesthesia has transformed medicine, and anesthesiologists have a big job. However, it’s a mistake not to remember that anesthesia is inherently dangerous. Anesthesia errors happen for numerous reasons, and they’re more common than most people realize. It’s estimated...
Are you less safe in a hospital owned by a private equity firm?
Many hospitals are affiliated with universities. Some are run by religious institutions like the Catholic Church. A significant number are owned by corporations that run large networks of health care facilities. Increasingly, private equity firms are buying hospitals...
How can you avoid medical mistakes in the hospital?
Hospitals are scary places. If you’re a patient, you’re probably not in the best shape, and it can easily feel like everything is out of your control. It’s hard not to be anxious about the possibility of a medical mistake – especially when you hear that medical errors...
Avoid these harmful missteps in your medical malpractice case
When a medical error leaves you seriously injured, you may feel emotionally drained and concerned about your future. You may be entitled to substantial compensation through a medical malpractice claim, but your case could take some time. Unfortunately, there is much...
3 ways medication errors can occur
A medication error is a form of medical malpractice. Some medication errors can even be fatal, while others just may have negative ramifications on someone’s health. However, it is often true that these medication errors are the result of negligence. Someone made a...
4 things that may increase your risk of malpractice injuries
It is safe to assume that most medical professionals strive to care for their patients without causing them any harm. Despite this, medical malpractice continues to injure and kill far too many victims. Anyone can suffer negligent malpractice injuries, but some...
Can you hold a doctor liable for failing to diagnose a TBI?
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can happen to anyone at any age. Kids most often suffer them playing sports, while adults often suffer them in car crashes or falls. As Connecticut heads towards another winter, we can expect to see TBIs caused by slipping and falling...