When we place a loved one in a nursing home, we rely on the staff of that facility to provide them with the care they need. Unfortunately, many nursing facilities across the country are facing significant staffing shortages, and residents pay the price. How can these...
Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse: recognizing the signs
If you have a loved one in a nursing home, you rely on the institution's staff to care for them and ensure their safety. While nursing homes and assisted living facilities are meant to provide these services, and some do it properly, unfortunately, that does not...
Are Connecticut nursing homes in crisis?
Connecticut, like states all over the country, is being affected by seriously understaffed nursing homes. Understaffing is a primary – but certainly not the only – cause of neglect and abuse that leads to infections, injuries and worse. State lawmakers have increased...
Are restraints a type of nursing home abuse?
It’s terrifying to watch your parents or other elderly loved ones decline both physically and mentally right before your eyes. It’s not at all uncommon for a loved one’s needs to exceed your abilities, which is why you turned to professionals for nursing care. It can...
Bed rails on hospital beds may be hazardous to the elderly
For elderly patients in a nursing home, bed rails can be more harmful than helpful. Although they are meant to keep patients from falling out of bed, they can cause serious injury if they become tangled. Patients who are cognitively impaired or whose movement is...
2 reasons you need to take action over a loved one’s bedsores
Bedsores or pressure ulcers are a kind of injury that people strongly associate with older adults and nursing homes. Those who are unable to freely move on their own will spend much of their day in a chair or a bed. Hours of pressure on the same parts of the body can...
What should you look for when deciding on your parents’ nursing home?
Moving your loved one into a nursing home is often a decision based on necessity. You worry that your loved one could be vulnerable without around-the-clock medical support, and you still have your own family to care for it or job to work. A nursing home should help...
What are the signs of malnutrition?
When your loved one is in a nursing home, you expect that they will be treated with respect. You expect that they will be taken to meals. If they can’t make it to breakfast, lunch or dinner, you expect that the facility will bring their meal to them instead....
3 warning signs of nursing home neglect you shouldn’t ignore
If you moved an aging loved one into a nursing home, you likely did so because you worried that you could not meet their needs anymore. Whether they need around-the-clock care due to dementia or physical support due to bodily issues, a nursing home might be a safer...
Drugging patients could be nursing home abuse
It is a sad truth that many nursing home patients are given medications that they do not need. Those medications are given to them to make them more “manageable,” in the home, which often means sleepy, dazed and unable to speak up for help and assistance. While there...