Almost all training related to motorcycle collisions focuses on avoiding them. After all, a crash between a motorcycle and a larger vehicle can have dire consequences for the rider. They don't have a vehicle to protect them from the force of impact. Thankfully, proper...
Motorcycle Accidents
3 reasons that motorists may cause severe motorcycle collisions
Motorcycles require a lot of practice and skill to successfully operate. Riders often have to remain intently focused on their surroundings to ensure they reach their destinations safely. All it takes is overlooking a change in the flow of traffic or debris in the...
3 safety issues that motorcyclists face in the spring
As the sun stays out longer and the overall temperatures rise, many motorcycle riders start to get their vehicles out of storage. Most motorcycle riders wait until mid or late spring before heading out for their first ride of the year. It can be a very joyful...
3 frightening motorcycle crash statistics
Heading out for a ride on a motorcycle can be a great way to unwind. Yet, whether someone rides recreationally or habitually, they need to know about the safety risks involved in this favored form of transportation. Crash statistics can help those riding motorcycles...
Do you have enough insurance as a motorcycle rider?
Thousands of adults in Connecticut have motorcycles either as their primary form of transportation or as a secondary vehicle. Whether you ride your motorcycle to work every day when the weather is good or only take it out for a weekend cruise, safety should always be...
3 of the most common injuries in a motorcycle crash
Riding a motorcycle comes with obvious risks. You don't have the protection of an enclosed space and restraints the way that those in four-wheeled vehicles do. If a crash occurs while you are out for a ride, you could suffer severe injuries. Motorcyclists are at...
Does a louder motorcycle keep you safer?
With around 80% of all motorcycle collisions leading to injuries or death, it’s important to do all you can to be safe when you ride. Wearing the right gear, brightening up your attire and using light can all help you avoid a crash. One common method riders use to...
Will wide tires help you prevent a motorcycle crash?
As an avid motorcyclist, you want to take all the possible precautions you can to protect yourself against a collision. One of the things that you’ve been looking into is finding the right set of tires for your motorcycle. It is true that the tires you use can have an...
Is your sense of fashion putting you at risk on your motorcycle?
Motorcycle crashes happen for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes, the biker doesn't notice something in front of them, forcing them to put their bike down to avoid a crash. Other times, it is clearly someone else at fault for the wreck. One of the most frequent reasons...
Road rash: A painful condition that could lead to surgery
As a motorcyclist, you’re probably familiar with road rash. You might get it if you fall off your motorcycle while learning to ride. In that case, it will likely be minor. However, road rash can be serious. The abrasions that are caused by scraping against the road...