This time of year, people of all ages throughout Connecticut are slipping and falling on icy surfaces. However, these conditions can be particularly treacherous for older people. Falls can cause far more serious injuries in seniors than in younger people. Fractures...
Premises Liability
Wet floor signs only work when properly used
As summer fades away, the weather starts to change. With increasing rainfall and a drop in temperature, slips and falls become a real hazard for the general public. The owners and managers of premises that are open to the public have a responsibility to ensure that...
What you need to know about Connecticut dog bite claims
Dogs are generally friendly pets. But these loyal canines can become aggressive and cause serious bodily harm, especially when they are threatened. Besides physical and emotional injuries, a dog bite can also leave you with a deadly infection. If you are attacked and...
How can you avoid slip-and-fall injuries in the winter
Connecticut experiences its share of winter by getting a lot of snow and ice. This makes mobility a challenge. As a result, North Haven law requires those in charge of premises to remove ice, snow, and sleet within 24 hours after precipitation or snowfall ends. ...
What makes a staircase dangerous?
Falls are one of the main reasons that people get injured in the United States every year, and many of them occur on the stairs. These falls can even prove to be deadly in severe situations, and those who survive could still have spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain...
Your risk of carbon monoxide poisoning increases in the winter
Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the gases produced during certain forms of combustion. Anything that burns gas to operate, from your kitchen stove to your vehicle, produces carbon monoxide. In small amounts and well-ventilated spaces, exposure to CO is not a serious...
When can a business be held accountable for a slip in the winter?
Snow and ice are part of every Connecticut winter (and sometimes they’re with us from fall through spring). If you’re out and about, it’s only normal to expect that you’ll encounter slippery sidewalks, walkways and steps. A slip-and-fall accident on a concrete or...
Many stairway falls are preventable
Stairway falls are among the leading causes of accidental injuries in the US. While it’s true that some accidents are simply unavoidable, a large portion of stairway accidents could have been prevented. What makes stairway falls more likely and what are your options...
Retail injury risks involve more than parking lot mishaps
You have probably heard many stories about someone slipping on ice in a store’s parking lot and winning millions in a lawsuit. Injury settlements of that magnitude are rare in such circumstances. Yet, a big win is possible if the incident results in disability or a...
Who pays when a store’s pet cat bites and causes an infection?
Domestic animals can be a pleasant inclusion at a business, like a bookstore, but they can also complicate matters. People with serious animal allergies may not feel comfortable patronizing that business. There is always the constant risk that the animal could hurt...